Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Down Bedding Care & Maintenance

Bedding Maintenance

-Preventative Maintenance
-Miscellaneous Facts

Preventative Maintnenance
Generally, down comforters and pillows should be shaken out daily to restore their loft. With fixed construction comforters (i.e., baffle box and sewn-through boxes), the down will not move from outside its respective box during the shaking.

When stripping the sheets off the bed, the consumer also may wish to fluff out the featherbed to give its loft back. Consumers can also tumble dry their down products to get some extra loft.

It is a great idea to protect a comforter, pillow, or feather bed with a fabric
cover of some sort. Duvet covers for comforters, pillow protectors, and featherbed protectors are worthwhile investments that extend the life of down bedding significantly. Additionally, by using a duvet cover, the consumer is able to change the look of their bed, simply by changing the cover but keeping the same comforter.

Most consumers chose to have their down bedding professionally dry cleaned, but most fabrics allow gentle machine washing, if the washer is large enough to accommodate the product. Using a small amount of mild dish detergent is a good way to clean the bedding (avoid using laundry detergent as it leaves a phosphate coating on the down clusters and reduces the ability for the down to regain its loft).

Miscellaneous Facts
-Moths usually do not attack the down or feather filling - only the shells are
susceptible (As all linens are).
-Down and feathers have no preset time for spoilage - well treated they can last dozens of years.


Down Bedding Information